QUEST in the REHVA Journal!

A QUEST article on "Certified Quality Management Services for De-risking Building Performance Investments" has been published in the last issue of the REHVA Journal. In the article our partners KTH, synavision, COPILOT and SWECO Denmark explain how the QUEST project aims to support private investments in building projects that aim to improve the performance and sustainability of buildings through the integration of quality management services into building projects. 

The article elaborates on how the QUEST methodology and quality management services help address the "performance gap" - non-compliance with predicted or contracted building performance - and by doing so helps to de-risk investments that go into building projects. Compliance to a high level of sustainability has become even more important with the implementation of the EU Taxonomy. The QUEST project aims to support investors with this through both the offer of quality management services and the QUEST-Tool which helps calculate the added value of these services to your projects.

Read the REHVA Journal article here.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement number 846739. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in this document, which is merely represention the author's view.